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Sleep is vital for recharging your body and mind – for adults, children, and babies alike. Without a proper night’s sleep, we are normally sluggish, easily irritated and not able to perform at our best. Especially when it comes to children and babies, lack of sleep can also interfere with healthy development. That’s why making sure your little boy or girl sleeps well, even when a blocked nose strikes is very important.

Let’s first take a look at why sleep is important for a baby’s or child’s mental and physical development. At such a young age, sleep is the brain’s first and foremost activity. Because the sleep and wake cycle is regulated by day and night, feeding and changing time, it takes time to develop. This is one reason for the irregular sleep schedules of newborn babies. A child from the age of two will spend around 40 % of his or her time sleeping.

Signs of baby's battle with a blocked nose

When your child or baby is congested, they naturally will not be able to sleep well – just like adults. When an infant has a blocked nose, you may find that they lose their appetite. At the same time, he or she will want the bottle more often as a form of comfort. Poorer sleep than usual, more irritability, sneezing and wheezing are all signs that your little one is feeling under the weather.

Nasal decongestant to the rescue

The best thing you do to help your child or baby with their battle against a blocked nose is to support the flow of mucus out of the nose – and thus help unblock the nose. With an unblocked nose, your little boy or girl will be able to sleep better. As a result, they can carry on with their development carefree.

You can purchase nasal decongestants created especially for children’s and babies’ little button nose from your local pharmacist. The active ingredient is in a lower concentration than for adults.

Another possible solution is a saline spray. You can use it to cleanse the nose, to prevent additional mucus build-up.

Other ways you can help baby sleep better

There are other steps you can take to help clear your little one’s nose. They may take longer to have an effect than a nasal decongestant, but they are also effective. These include a humidifier in the room during sleep or play time, a warm bath and slight elevation of the head during sleep by placing a pillow under the mattress on one end.



Baby Sleep Advice

Sleep Foundation

Hello Motherhood



There are a number of ways in which newborns express their need for sleep. Some babies are fussy, some cry or rub their eyes. Babies should be put to bed when they are sleepy – if they are asleep, you could interfere with their sleeping cycle. To help your baby sleep longer at night, expose them to plenty of daylight and play with them longer during the day.



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