There are many reasons for an itchy, irritated nose. Discover what these are and find out if a saline-based nose spray could help.
If you’ve ever had an itchy nose, you know how bothersome and frustrating it can be. Scratching it not only leads to unsightly redness, it also only serves to make the situation worse. The itchiness can be caused by any number or combination of factors, including:

When it comes to hay fever, the itchiness is a response by the body’s immune system, which is trying to protect you by releasing the substance histamine. This substance is the cause of irritation and inflammation.
Why saline is a good bet
Of course, you want to know how to get rid of the dryness. An option is a saline nasal spray or drops. Saline for the nose is a simple solution – a mixture of salt and water at a percentage similar to that of the human body. It gently cleanses the nose of any irritants caused by your environment.
A saline solution is also ideal for children with an itchy nose.
A healthy nose is a happy nose
A saline nose product can be used daily. In this way, you can help to ward off an itchy or irritated nose in the first place.
If the saline solution does not provide relief, please consult your general practitioner.
When we breathe in air, the nose prepares it by humidifying and warming the air before it reaches our lungs. A highly sophisticated, multi-layer structure called turbinates, moisturises and humidifies the air as it passes through the nose. Have you ever noticed your throat feeling dry when you’ve been breathing through your mouth for a long time? It’s because the air you breathed in wasn’t moisturised by your nose first.