What causes chronic sinusistis
Millions of people around the world suffer from chronic sinusitis. Perhaps you’re one of them. If so, then you know about the long-term suffering, and the overall discomfort that comes along with it. However, you don’t have to always feel this way.There are remedies that can help.
To understand chronic sinusitis, you first have to know what sinusitis is. Put simply, it is an inflammation of your sinuses, which are small spaces inside our cheekbones and forehead that are filled with air. Sometimes mucus forms in these spaces and when your sinuses are healthy, the mucus will drain down into the nose through small nasal ducts. However, if the mucus does not drain down through the nose, and instead remains in the sinus cavity, it can then cause an infection. This is sinusitis.
Know the possible causes of your chronic sinusitis
When sinusitis is persistent and lasts for longer than twelve weeks, then it is considered to be chronic. There are many ways that you could have developed sinusitis in the first place, before it becomes chronic. These include common cold or flu, tooth infection, allergic rhinitis, asthma, unhealthy lifestyle (example smoking), inborn conditions or growths.

Understand your symptoms
There are many symptoms you may experience that are a sure sign of sinusitis. The most obvious is a blocked, stuffy nose. Or you may have a runny nose with greenish/yellowish mucus. This also results in a reduced sense of smell and aches in your face and the area around your nose. You may even get headaches and suffer from bad breath. A toothache, pressure in the ears and tiredness are other possible symptoms too.
If you are unsure if you have chronic sinusitis, please consult your general practitioner.
Manage your chronic sinusitis
To start off with: if you know what is causing your chronic sinusitis, then see how you can alleviate the problem. For instance, if you have a tooth infection, make an appointment with your dentist and work on improving your dental hygiene. If you are a smoker, try to quit. These are the first steps you can take to relieving your sinusitis suffering.
Nasal decongestants in a spray or drop form can also provide temporary relief from a blocked nose. For a daily solution, try a saline-based spray or drops.
It’s always advisable to consult your general practitioner, to answer any questions you may have.
Anosmia is the condition of not having a sense of smell. When you breathe in the microscopic particles released by substances, these particles come into contact with special neurotransmitters at the roof of your nose. This then sends a signal to the primary olfactory cortex, the area in your brain responsible for smell. When you have a blocked nose, the airflow is blocked too, preventing the particles from going deep into your nose and stopping your sense of smell. Anosmia can also affect your sense of taste, as up to 80% of this sense comes down to aroma.