Have you ever woken up in the morning thinking about what that word rhinitis could mean? Probably not, but nonetheless it is something that affects us all at some point. It causes discomfort and suffering. But there’s good news! You can fight back with these helpful home remedies for relieving your rhinitis suffering.
Put plainly, rhinitis is the medical term for the inflammation of the mucus membrane in the nose. This inflammation may be caused by a virus, such as the common cold. When it comes to allergic rhinitis, the inflammation may be caused by allergens. So you’ve certainly had some form of rhinitis at some time during your life. Which means you know the symptoms too. But just to be sure, here’s the list:
- A blocked or stuffy nose
- Sneezing
- Watery eyes
- General feeling of discomfort
- Tiredness

But you don’t have to put up with it! Fight back with these helpful home remedies for relieving your rhinitis suffering:
1) Drink plenty of fluids
Not only do liquids keep you hydrated, they also help to break up the mucus in your system, especially when the liquids are warm. A nice herbal tea or a bowl of steamy hot soup are ideal. And they taste good too.
2) Use a steam inhaler
If you haven’t got a special steam inhaler at home, no worries. Simply use a pot of boiled water and a hand towel. For an enhanced effect, add some eucalyptus oil to the water. Helps to loosen mucus.
3) Get some good rest and stay warm
There’s no way to overdose on rest when you have rhinitis. So make sure you get plenty of it. Sleep recharges your system and gives your immune system the power it needs to fight off the rhinitis. All while you are snug under the warm covers.
4) Prop up your head with an extra pillow
To make sure the mucus does not run back up into your nasal cavity, position your head so that it is slightly elevated above your chest. This is also the best position for enjoying that warm cup of tea.
As an antioxidant, Zinc has been shown to boost your immune system. Traces of it are found in red meat and seafood. There are also special lozenges that can lower suffering caused by cold symptoms.