Is a blocked nose slowing you down? We have a nasal decongestant solution for everyone in the family.
When one family member gets a common cold, it can often spread quickly to the others. This causes the whole family to suffer from nasal congestion. Luckily, iliadin® has a range of products suitable for babies from 1 month of age to adults, so you and your family can all breathe freely and get back to leading normal lives.
Although there are times when you simply cannot avoid it, you can make it easier to cope with a nasal decongestant. Nasal symptoms, such as a blocked nose and sneezing, can occur early after infection. They can even last for up to 10 days! But why wait that long to get back to breathing freely and leading a normal life?
Don’t let a blocked nose get you or your loved ones down. iliadin® Baby Nose Drops, iliadin® Kids Nose Spray and iliadin® Metered Nose Spray all provide fast2 relief for stuffy noses!
1 In a prospective, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial, iliadin® Metered Nose Spray (0,05 % m/v) demonstrated a statistically significant reducing of the duration of acute rhinitis by 2 days as compared to physiological saline solution and a mean onset of action after 25 seconds. Reinecke S, Tschaikin M. MMW - Fortschr Med. 2005;147(3):113-118.
2 Martindale. Thirty-eighth edition. The complete drug reference. Oxymetazoline Hydrochloride. Editor: Thomson Reuters.
Ask your doctor or pharmacist about the iliadin® product that is best suited for your family.
As an antioxidant, Zinc has been shown to boost your immune system. Traces of it are found in red meat and seafood. There are also special lozenges that can lower suffering caused by cold symptoms.
Source: WebMD